Thursday, November 11, 2010

The momentum of time that leads to timelessness

In an uncertain world, one thing we can be sure of is change. As the ancient Greek expression goes, “You never step into the same river twice,” and we all feel ourselves moving through time relentlessly.

At times we rail against it and wish we could reach out and stop it; at other times, like when you are waiting for a train or a loved one to arrive, we wish we could push it forward.

The current economic malaise feels like it has been going on forever, and the days of ambition and exuberance that preceded it just a distant memory. Governments wring their hands and announce programs to “fix” the economy but I suspect that, as usual, time is the real cure and its march will propel us forward as it always does. People will, as they always do, adapt and find new ways to move forward, to realize their dreams, achieve their goals, expand their horizons.

In this constant movement towards the future we can also observe what has come before, see the many cycles and trends that, although so seemingly original at the time, are often variations on a previous theme, and from them recognize those things that remain constant, that people over time respect and respond to, whether in an approach, a creation or a style.

In working to find out the essence of why these approaches, styles, values and expressions seem to crop up consistently over time and through the varying cycles, we uncover the things that are worth focusing on and spending our most precious commodity -- time -- on trying to create, enhance and share.

Whether in ancient times or today, excellence, balance, symmetry, cohesion, consistency and passion are always in style and the things derived from them are instantly recognizable and valued. Valued then and, as the years pass, ever more so.

The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman was started with the recognition that it was a once-in-a-lifetime confluence of place, time and events that could bring together ideas and people that would lay the foundation for something unique and special, not just for a moment but for generations.

It was and is a lofty goal, but by focusing our sights high we have been able to attract people with a similar passion for excellence and along the way, more as an symptom of this pursuit than its cause, people have recognized and applauded what has been achieved.

We see it again this year with the Condé Nast award as the best resort in the region for the third straight year, the AAA Five-Diamond awards for the fourth straight year, the world’s best award for our Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment children's program, but most importantly we see it in the people and families who have made Dragon Bay their home.

From the start, the promise of Dragon Bay was to be able to bring the finest together to create a lifestyle of design, quality and service to meet the needs and desires of our discerning owners. Whether it is in a Residence overlooking Seven Mile Beach, a DeckHouses, with its own private beach, or the waterfront village setting of Secret Harbour, each one is meant to answer even the unspoken desires of our owners.
From its beginnings in the last century, to its inspirations which go back much farther, Dragon Bay has been about unearthing the things that have lasting value and lasting appeal, regardless of the cycle. This view helps make time our ally and our support, allowing us to constantly improve, and it brings with it an ever-expanding group of people who know and enjoy the very best and who choose to spend their precious time with us.

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